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Month: August 2016

Speed Cleaning: How to Vacuum Your House in Under 10 Minutes
Carpet Cleaning

Speed Cleaning: How to Vacuum Your House in Under 10 Minutes

We all get busy, and sometimes the housework can elude us until the last minute. There’s the panic and rush, as well as the knowledge that you are not going to get it done in time. The vacuuming is so important because it can help to remove allergens, get rid of pet hair, and even lift odors from the carpet. Many people will do this several times a week, but it is not uncommon to forget about this seemingly laborious task. However, it doesn’t have to take ages to complete and you don’t always have to spend an hour vacuuming the house. Here are some tips to vacuuming your home in under ten minutes by speed cleaning. #1 Trafficked Areas First, think about the places that receive the most traffic in your home. Places like the front entrance hall and living room are often the ones that...
Back to School Safety Checklist
Safety Tips

Back to School Safety Checklist

So, it’s late August and the time has come for your little ones to pack their school bags and head to classes once again. As always, the start of the school year is certain to cause great excitement and apprehension for both the students and their parents – there are so many things to prepare, so many important topics to discuss, so many fears to assuage, and so many expectations to meet. Amongst all the anxieties and concerns that you and your children might have at the moment, however, certain important issues call for immediate attention and timely action. Back to school safety definitely tops the list of the most crucial subjects to address at the beginning of the new academic year. Here are some of the most essential safety tips to have in mind when sending your kids back to sc...