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Tag: professional office cleaning

Benefits of Office Cleaning Services in the Winter
Office Cleaning

Benefits of Office Cleaning Services in the Winter

Many of us associate the winter season with cold weather and snow, but there is one aspect of the winter we often don’t remember until the season arrives, the mess. Between the snow, slush, mud, and salt that we walk through during the winter, it is very easy to drag this stuff into our homes and offices where it creates a mess of the flooring, carpets, and furniture. Commercial spaces like office buildings are especially vulnerable to this type of mess because of the high volume of people walking in and out of the slush and snow. Winter foot traffic brings plenty of moisture and salt inside commercial buildings and offices which not only creates an uncomfortable environment, but also leads to water damage and a buildup of dirt. Commercial spaces need maintenance more often during the w...
The Importance of Professional Upholstery Cleaning for your Office
Upholstery Cleaning

The Importance of Professional Upholstery Cleaning for your Office

An office has become a synonym for efficiency, dynamism, and professionalism. It serves as both the representative image of a company and the actual epicenter of all the business activities that take place within it. Therefore, the office environment needs to be highly comfortable and motivating, as well as very stylish and appealing to the eye. Including couches, banquettes, armchairs, and other upholstered pieces in your business area will go a long way towards creating the stimulating and inviting atmosphere that you need in the office. Upholstered furniture is very comfortable and imparts great charm and elegance to the interior décor. However, when used in commercial settings, it is subject to heavy use and extensive wear. As a result, the furniture pieces in your office rapidl...
Spring Cleaning Tips to Help You Clean your Office
Cleaning and restoration tips

Spring Cleaning Tips to Help You Clean your Office

Many people are concentrated on cleaning up their homes during the spring cleaning season but it is important to also clean up the other area where you spend the majority of your time, your office.  Having a dirty or cluttered office can hurt productivity and employee morale, create an unhealthy working environment, and affect the impressions that people get of you as an individual and of your company as a whole.  You should take some time this spring to do some office cleaning and make your workspace cleaner and more comfortable, and if you are an office manager, you can get the employees of your office to pitch in and clean up the entire space. The following are some office cleaning tips to create a clean and healthy workspace. Create Zones for Different Tasks Dividing your offi...
The Benefits of Hard Floor Cleaning Services for your Office
Hardwood Floor Cleaning

The Benefits of Hard Floor Cleaning Services for your Office

There is an incredible amount of movement in your office every single day – employees hurry to and fro engaged in their tasks, clients and business partners walk in and out of the premises, visitors come and go every so often, etc. All this dynamic activity creates a vibrant and lively atmosphere in your office, but it also contributes to the quick wear and tear of furnishings and floorings. A lot of dust and dirt is brought inside on a daily basis, mud is tracked onto the floors on rainy days, and ugly stains appear on the surfaces resulting in a dull and grimy appearance of the surroundings. It is the floors that suffer the most from the heavy foot traffic, of course. Keeping them clean and shiny is quite a challenge indeed, with so many people walking around. The neat and fres...