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Month: March 2013

Cleaning Stains From Carpets (Part II)
Carpet Cleaning

Cleaning Stains From Carpets (Part II)

Even after a good and thorough cleanup, stains still remain on carpets and reappear. This happens when there is too much residue even after cleaning the area. The residue is usually leftover from the cleaning agent, which is a sticky alkaline and there is soil sticking onto it. You can imagine what happens to your hair when you are washing it and you only manage to rinse half of the shampoo. It’s the same that happens to your carpet after you’ve treated it with cleaning detergent. Any residue acts like a magnet to dirt, grime, dust and hair and the carpet gets even more buildup, thus becoming dirtier much quicker. When you see a nasty stain on the carpet or you cause a spill, your first thought is to use a powerful alkaline cleaner – ideally in a spray bottle. You spray the area with to...