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Month: October 2018

How Hoarding Impacts Health Insurance Costs
Cleaning and restoration tips, Hoarding Cleaning

How Hoarding Impacts Health Insurance Costs

Junk occasionally clutters the average person’s home. Extreme situations, however, are indications of an underlying issue. When the tendency to accumulate random possessions overtakes the home, blocking exits and entrances, causing fire hazards and creating a toxic environment, a detrimental hoarding disorder has taken grip. Hoarding Disorder Defined A hoarding disorder involves collecting objects randomly and without specific rhyme or reason. Hundreds of empty pill bottles, used cat litter, decades’ worth of old fast food receipts and plastic drinking cups, broken glass, and even animal waste may lay in a disastrous mess inside a hoarder’s home. People with a hoarding disorder may even accrue innumerable animals, like cats. Stockpiling these items severely restricts the homeowner...
Things You Must Throw Away After a Fire
Cleaning and restoration tips, Safety Tips

Things You Must Throw Away After a Fire

When your property suffers damage from a fire, it is a stressful situation. Building materials have been destroyed, and the building’s structural integrity may be in jeopardy if the damage is severe enough. In addition, some of your content may have also been harmed due to exposure to heat, smoke, soot, and chemicals that were used to extinguish the fire. When you return to your property, you’ll need to sort through your belongings. Some damaged content can be salvaged, but there are other belongings that, no matter how little damage they suffered, must be discarded. Refer to the following information as you go through your content in the aftermath of a fire. 1. Exposed and/or Contaminated Food Non-perishable food that has been exposed to the fire and its effects Food that is st...
What Does Homeowner’s Insurance Cover in the Event of a Fire?
Fire Damage Restoration, Smoke Damage Cleanup

What Does Homeowner’s Insurance Cover in the Event of a Fire?

Flames that explode into a raging home fire cause a staggering $6.7 billion in damages annually. Cooking fires are the leading cause of home fires in the nation. Heating equipment is a close second as the origin of house fires. As kitchen equipment and heating appliances are the standard gadgetry found in all homes, as well as other flammable sources, fire insurance becomes a necessity for homeowners. While the occupants of a home are fortunate to avoid the effects of a devastating house fire, the blaze snatches irreplaceable valuables and personal mementos. A standard homeowner’s insurance policy covers most possessions in the event of a house fire, but the cause of the fire dictates whether or not insurance reimbursements are paid out. Natural Disasters Wild Fires Homes that are ...