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Mold Allergies: Symptoms, Prevention, and Treatment
Mold cleaning, Mold remediation services

Mold Allergies: Symptoms, Prevention, and Treatment

Mold spores run rampant throughout the natural environment. Decayed leaves, rotting tree stumps, and various other natural debris are consumed by mold spores in the great outdoors. The moment mold spores latch on to indoor surfaces, people with mold allergies begin to adversely react. What is a Mold Allergy? Mold spores are present everywhere, indoors and outdoors. When an individual who is sensitive to mold inhales airborne mold spores, her immune system may begin to battle the intrusion into her nasal passages. As a result, antibodies, like histamine, are readily produced. What are Mold Allergy Symptoms? The antibodies that flock to the irritated areas to fight the inhaled spores are responsible for allergy symptoms, like wheezing, coughing, watery, and itchy eyes, throat and skin ir...
How Homeowners Insurance Covers Mold
Mold cleaning, Mold damage restoration, Mold damage restoration remediation

How Homeowners Insurance Covers Mold

When you find mold growing in your home, it is a concerning issue for a variety of reasons. Exposure to mold can cause people to suffer from health problems, such as allergies and infections. Prolonged exposure always increases the risk of these health effects and can make them worse. If there’s mold growth in your residence, then this means there may be a water problem that caused the mold to develop. The mold growth itself also damages your property. What Causes Mold Growth? Mold spores are naturally present in the air, but with moisture and a food source, these spores will be triggered into causing mold growth in your home. That said, mold is commonly a result of water damage, because water damage provides the moisture (water) and food (organic materials often found in common building...
Prevent Water Damage by Keeping Your Home’s Gutters Clean and Repaired
Cleaning and restoration tips, Water damage restoration

Prevent Water Damage by Keeping Your Home’s Gutters Clean and Repaired

The welcome, warmer climate of spring brings with it torrential rain. Springtime downpours fall straight into a home’s gutter systems, making a clean gutter essential. The balmy temperatures of spring allow homeowners to ascend to their rooftops and bring down the host of debris that has accumulated along the gutter throughout the frosty winter. A spring season gutter cleaning removes all the accumulated debris from the winter. Plus, spring gutter cleanings are necessary due to the fact that the spring blossoms and seeds of trees and plants develop and can potentially land in the gutter, causing blockage problems. Gutter Cleaning to Avoid Water Damage A blocked gutter leads to a significant issue—water damage. When the spring’s rainwater and melting snow along the rooftop have nowhere...
How to Clean Your Washing Machine and Dryer
Cleaning and restoration tips, Mold cleaning

How to Clean Your Washing Machine and Dryer

As your clothes whirl around the washing machine, your trusty appliance puts your clothes through the ringer. An essential household unit, the washing machine dutifully breathes new life into your garb and adds a fresh scent to newly laundered apparel. The dryer has an equal importance in your home, completing the other half of the task of cleaning your tops and bottoms. If you weren’t aware before, you soon will recognize the importance of washing machine and dryer maintenance. Regularly Clean the Washer How often should you clean the washing machine? Regular machine cleanings prevent detergent streaks from appearing on newly laundered whites and darks. The white residue from the soaps used to wash your clothes is more apparent on dark colored apparel. Fabric softener and the dirt ca...
How to Safely Remove Snow from the Roof
Water damage restoration

How to Safely Remove Snow from the Roof

Chances are your roof will probably not cave in from snow, but it is heavy and can cause significant water damage given the right conditions. It can also slide off if the roof is sloped and cause serious injuries to anyone standing in the wrong place at the wrong time. So to avoid the risk of injury and any roof leak, here’s how to safely remove from the roof (without hiring a professional). How to Safely Remove Snow from the Roof Remember, removing snow from your roof yourself is only recommended if you have a one-story home. If the job involves getting on top of the roof, always hire a professional. To remove the snow yourself, you will need a long-handled snow rake which will cost about $45 from a hardware store. Make sure to look for ones with built-in rollers and sturdy teles...
Water damage cleanup, Water damage restoration

What Causes Water Stains Near the Air Vents?

Water stains around the air vents are a common household issue. Homes in warmer climes (imagine Floridian weather or Southwestern temps), experience this phenomenon more frequently than abodes in cooler areas. While the problem leaves some homeowners scratching their heads, water stains surrounding the air vents can be easily explained and effectively resolved. Moisture is clearly the culprit when it comes to creating unanticipated water stains in unexpected places. But how does excess water saturate the ceiling? The answer is condensation. Droplets of water that form in one of three ways contribute to the water stains near the air vents. What is Condensation? First, it’s important to understand the concept of condensation. Water vapor, or the moisture in the air (which is always ...
Fire Safety Tips to Keep in Mind During Thanksgiving
Fire Damage Restoration

Fire Safety Tips to Keep in Mind During Thanksgiving

Especially during the holidays, the kitchen is the heart of the home. From experimenting new recipes to following family traditions, cooking and feasting with the family is one of the best ways of spending the holidays. But during all this cooking, the chances of house fires are significantly increased. These times are more important than ever to be practicing fire safety, especially in the kitchen, during all these activities. When preparing for holiday celebrations and organizing the table for the big dinner, it’s important to keep all safety tips in mind so you can enjoy your time with your loved ones while keeping them away from the dangers of property fires. Know What to Do During a Fire While there are steps you can take to prevent property fires, it’s impossible to guarantee th...
What to Do After a Commercial Fire
Emergency Tips, Fire Damage Restoration

What to Do After a Commercial Fire

No business owner wants to think about the potential for a fire in their building, but such events unfortunately do occur. A commercial fire is a terrifying thought because it puts your property, assets, and employees at serious risk. If your business is not prepared for the possibility of a fire, you can suffer major losses if one does occur. Knowing this, it is important to be prepared for these emergencies and know what to do in the aftermath of the fire to limit your losses. If you experience a commercial fire, it is best to address the situation right away. Fire, smoke, and damage will spread and get worse, even after the fire is out. Immediate action can be the difference between being able to salvage your property and experiencing permanent damage. Plus, the sooner you take ac...
How Hoarding Impacts Health Insurance Costs
Cleaning and restoration tips, Hoarding Cleaning

How Hoarding Impacts Health Insurance Costs

Junk occasionally clutters the average person’s home. Extreme situations, however, are indications of an underlying issue. When the tendency to accumulate random possessions overtakes the home, blocking exits and entrances, causing fire hazards and creating a toxic environment, a detrimental hoarding disorder has taken grip. Hoarding Disorder Defined A hoarding disorder involves collecting objects randomly and without specific rhyme or reason. Hundreds of empty pill bottles, used cat litter, decades’ worth of old fast food receipts and plastic drinking cups, broken glass, and even animal waste may lay in a disastrous mess inside a hoarder’s home. People with a hoarding disorder may even accrue innumerable animals, like cats. Stockpiling these items severely restricts the homeowner...
Things You Must Throw Away After a Fire
Cleaning and restoration tips, Safety Tips

Things You Must Throw Away After a Fire

When your property suffers damage from a fire, it is a stressful situation. Building materials have been destroyed, and the building’s structural integrity may be in jeopardy if the damage is severe enough. In addition, some of your content may have also been harmed due to exposure to heat, smoke, soot, and chemicals that were used to extinguish the fire. When you return to your property, you’ll need to sort through your belongings. Some damaged content can be salvaged, but there are other belongings that, no matter how little damage they suffered, must be discarded. Refer to the following information as you go through your content in the aftermath of a fire. 1. Exposed and/or Contaminated Food Non-perishable food that has been exposed to the fire and its effects Food that is st...