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Tag: mold odor removal

Identifying Mold Odors and Removing them from Your Home
Odor removal

Identifying Mold Odors and Removing them from Your Home

If you enter a room where the windows haven’t been opened in a while, you’ll probably find the air stuffy and stagnant. As soon as you let some fresh air inside, though, the stale smell will disappear and the pleasant atmosphere in the room will be quickly restored. However, if you detect musty odor again in a couple of hours after the windows have been closed and the foul smell persists despite your efforts to get rid of it with the help of air fresheners, potpourri or other sweet aromas, this may be the first sign of mold growing in your home. Even if you don’t see any mold yet, it may have developed in hidden places - inside walls or under baseboards, in crawlspaces or inside heating and ventilation ducts, etc. Mold spores produce microbial volatile organic compounds that have the d...