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Month: August 2017

Mold remediation

How to Get Rid of Mold Under the Sink

Except for grabbing and storing your cleaning supplies, there are not many reasons to open the cabinet under the sink. The majority of us don’t keep a light under there either. This could also explain that musty smell in the back; you probably have mold. No matter where it is growing on the property, mold growth is very dangerous, especially when cleaning. It can trigger a number of allergies and respiratory problems that can affect everyone in the home or building. Even if you have tried removing previously, it can still grow back because the source was not completely removed. Mold cleaning projects can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days of thorough cleaning to ensure that all spores are removed. Many property owners simply don’t have the time or would rather hire a prof...
How to Remove Mold from Carpet
Mold remediation, Mold removal remediation

How to Remove Mold from Carpet

When mold has affected your property, it’s not only dangerous to your building structure, it can pose a severe risk to your health. Depending on the location and how far it has spread, the cleanup job can be difficult as it may have spread to affect other areas without the property owner even noticing. But when it has contaminated a carpet, mold should be easy to spot because it is in plain view. When finding it, it is very important to be cautious because of the spores it releases, causing severe allergies and respiratory problems. This is why it must be removed right away in order to protect you and your family or staff as well as prevent the rest of your carpet from becoming affected. When it comes to mold remediation, you can either choose to hire a professional and save time, or do...
Humidity Problems and Property Damages
Cleaning and restoration tips

Humidity Problems and Property Damages

Humidity problems can be the worst. While temperatures may not appear to be hot on the thermostat, the moisture in the air can make it feel 10x worse. Those who live in the Midwest are especially aware of these dreadful conditions as we are all blasting our air conditioning or are out at the pool to cool off. To make matters worse, humidity can also cause water damage to your property. While the damage will ultimately depend on the degree of humidity and moisture level within the home, here are some of the problems caused by humidity and property damages that can occur as a result. You can also contact a water damage restoration or mold removal expert to have any damages restored professionally. Property Damages Caused by Humidity and How to Fix Them Water Damage Underground Many...
How to Fix Water Damaged Furniture
Water damage restoration

How to Fix Water Damaged Furniture

When a flood occurs, it can cause a significant amount of damage within minutes as you most likely have personal contents with high sentimental or monetary value. In addition, your building materials can also become warped and discolored after having contact with the water. The first step to take when finding a flood or significant water damage on your property is to call a water damage restoration and flood cleanup professional. But if you wish to save extra costs and restore some materials yourself, you can learn here how to fix water damaged furniture. Just remember that you have to react quickly because the wooden legs can easily become ruined after being submerged in the water for too long. Fix Damaged Furniture: The Drying Process As you may already be aware, water will become e...