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Safety Tips

Fire Damage Restoration, Safety Tips

Christmas Tree Fire Safety Tips

While they don’t occur very often, Christmas tree fires can be deadly, lighting the entire home on fire with just one spark. But the majority of them occur when the tree hasn’t been watered in days - when it is fully dried out. Don’t let your Christmas celebrations result in a disaster after forgetting to water the tree. Here are some Christmas tree fire safety tips to remember when setting up, decorating, and maintaining this beautiful decoration. Tree Fire Safety Tips In order to minimize the risk of a Christmas tree fire this year, follow these holiday fire safety steps and you can carry on to having a merry holiday. Proper Live Tree Care After picking up the perfect tree from the best vendor, make sure that it is properly maintained and “fed” in order for it to last past Chr...
Safety Tips, Water damage remediation

Reasons for a High Water Bill

While the costs of water will fluctuate between each city, it’s not one that we really have a choice of paying or not. But when you notice that it’s outrageously high, obviously something must be wrong. So instead of calling your water company about the possible error, check to see if you have an internal problem first. Here’s a list of commons reasons for a high water bill as well as what you can do to cut off the source. 1. Leaky Appliances and Faucets Leaky faucets and fixtures are unfortunately one of the most common causes of high water bills. Keep in mind that when the water is left leaking for extended periods of time, more water is wasted, and you can expect to find a high bill. According to the EPA, “a leaking faucet dripping at the rate of one drop per second will waste ...
Fire Damage Restoration, Safety Tips

How to Winterize a Gas Grill

In the rush to get your home and yard ready for winter, don’t forget about your grill! After using it over the summer, it will need some cleaning and preparation for winter. But don’t wait until the last minute or cut corners as it may lead to damage and shorten its lifespan. Besides, nobody likes cleaning or fixing a grill during a snowstorm. Thorough Gas Grill Cleaning Anything that remains on your grill over the winter will cause deterioration until spring. This includes food particles, dirt, grease and any other built up debris. Here are some cleaning tips to help you get started: Remove cooking grates, drip tray, heating plates, and warming rack from the grill. Scrape each part with a grill brush, washing with soap and warm water, and drying them thoroughly. Wipe both...
Fire Damage Restoration, Safety Tips

Microwave Safety – What Not to Put in the Microwave

Did you know that 9 out of 10 homes in the United States have microwaves? Because we are always on the go, we are not often left with much time to cook when we get home. Many Americans often work late nights and are simply too tired to cook a full meal. The fastest option that comes to mind is grabbing something from the fridge and popping it in the microwave. Within minutes, you have a hot meal readily prepared after putting in the least effort possible. But as convenient as these appliances can be, remember that they can be extremely dangerous to your health, safety, and home if used improperly. Prolonging cleaning, using the wrong materials, and overheating or exploding food within the machine can also cause significant damage. But when used properly, they can be extremely safe t...
Fall Cleaning and Maintenance Checklist
Safety Tips

Fall Cleaning and Maintenance Checklist

For many of us, fall simply can’t come soon enough. After enduring harsh summer temperatures and painful sunburns, we just want things to cool down and get the campfires going. But time will fly as we get busy with fun fall festivals, Halloween, pumpkin spice-everything, football games, and any other ways we can get outside before it starts to get crazy cold. But these moments are also crucial when preparing for winter, such as preventing water damage, flooding, mold, frozen pipes, allergies, and appliance malfunctions. In fact, there are a number of ways you can prevent significant property damage by following this cleaning and maintenance checklist. Your future self will thank you, grateful that you will have more funds for holiday shopping instead of getting stuck with a large repair...
How to Prevent House Fires in the Fall
Safety Tips

How to Prevent House Fires in the Fall

Many of us can agree that fall is a beautiful season as leaves change colors, temperatures cool down, and campfires burn in backyards. But these fun traditions also come with dangerous fire hazards, causing devastating property damage if one is not careful. The candles, burning leaves, and bonfires can quickly cause severe fire damage if they are left unsupervised for any period of time. Here are some common tips on how to prevent house fires this fall while still enjoying this gorgeous weather before the snow arrives. Follow these tips on how to stay safe and prevent house fires in the fall season: Candles. Yes they are fun, decorative, and smell amazing, but leaving them alone for any period of time can result in a horrible property fire. Never leave the room without putting...
Pet Fire Safety Tips
Safety Tips

Pet Fire Safety Tips

According to the United States Fire Administration, about 500,000 pets are affected by home fires each year, with about 1,000 of them accidentally started by pets themselves. Due to the numerous sources that can contribute to this natural disaster, it is extremely important to realize the risks you are taking by leaving your pets at home with the possibility of starting a fire. While they should be considered as members of the family, their safety should be regarded just as highly as that of everyone else. Practicing Pet Fire Safety Include pets in family fire escape plan When you establish and practice your fire escape plan, make sure they are included in every step. Also remember that they will become terrified as they will not understand what is happening during the fire. It is your ...
What is Greywater Damage or Sullage?
Safety Tips

What is Greywater Damage or Sullage?

When water damage occurs, you will want to hire a flood cleanup professional right away. But you’re your general knowledge, there are three different types. They will all depend on their source, whether they were caused by rain water, sink water, or sewage water, some forms will be exceedingly more dangerous than others. The first type, Category 1, is fresh water. This is derived from sink water, rain water, or any water that is not contaminated. The second, Category 2, is Greywater, derived from washing machines, dishwashers, and water heaters. The 3rd, Category 3, is contaminated water, that includes sewage water (you will want to call sewage cleanup services right away). While most individuals understand the difference between fresh and contaminated water, little is known about Greywate...
Back to School Safety Checklist
Safety Tips

Back to School Safety Checklist

So, it’s late August and the time has come for your little ones to pack their school bags and head to classes once again. As always, the start of the school year is certain to cause great excitement and apprehension for both the students and their parents – there are so many things to prepare, so many important topics to discuss, so many fears to assuage, and so many expectations to meet. Amongst all the anxieties and concerns that you and your children might have at the moment, however, certain important issues call for immediate attention and timely action. Back to school safety definitely tops the list of the most crucial subjects to address at the beginning of the new academic year. Here are some of the most essential safety tips to have in mind when sending your kids back to sc...
How to Improve the Indoor Air Quality of your Office
Air Duct HVAC Cleaning, Safety Tips

How to Improve the Indoor Air Quality of your Office

In today’s heavily industrialized world, people can rarely afford the luxury of breathing fresh forest or mountain air. A quick escape to nature is usually only possible on weekends and holidays but at all other times, it is the polluted environment of the big cities that we have to endure. However, even in urban centers, the concentration of air pollutants is about 4 times less outdoors than indoors. Poor indoor air quality is caused by a wide variety of factors, but it is the reduced air exchange rates inside buildings that allow air contaminants to build up to dangerously high concentrations. In fact, the quality of indoor air can seriously affect the health, comfort, and productivity of the building occupants, so as a business owner, you need to make every effort to provide your...